Imagine an authentic cigar roller, using the freshest ingredients, handcrafting a smooth cigar right in front of your guests eyes.
Our well-trained cigar rollers will roll cigars by hand while entertaining your guests or customers with all aspects related to the cigar-making process. The best part is that our cigar rollers are also great entertainers for your event.
As part of our service, we provide a captivating display showcasing the art of rolling and preparing cigars from “scratch”. You'll have the opportunity to witness the entire process from beginning to end. Meanwhile, guests will have the pleasure of enjoying a selection of tobacco cigars that were specifically crafted and curated for your event. These exquisite cigars are made with seeds cultivated and harvested in Nicaragua, using long leaf fillers and molded into various sizes according to their preference in ring gauge and length.
Celebrate enjoying our top world-class cigars!
Nicaraguan tobacco leaves are world famous, and for good reason! Their soil and climate offers a distinct flavor and a certain "kick" that many cigar smokers know and love.
Our Nicaraguan Wrapper tobacco leaves have a medium to strong flavor profile. Nicaraguan is known to add a full-bodied combination of flavor and strength to any cigar. They have rich and earthy spices with notes of leather, espresso beans, cayenne and dark chocolate.
The main reasons for the popularity of Nicaraguan cigars is that they are produced in limited quantities. The tobacco is given enough time to age and mature before rolling, unlike many lesser cigars from nearby countries.
Our Nicaraguan Wrapper tobacco leaves have a medium to strong flavor profile. Nicaraguan is known to add a full-bodied combination of flavor and strength to any cigar. They have rich and earthy spices with notes of leather, espresso beans, cayenne and dark chocolate.
The main reasons for the popularity of Nicaraguan cigars is that they are produced in limited quantities. The tobacco is given enough time to age and mature before rolling, unlike many lesser cigars from nearby countries.